Below is a list of the 394 members of the BBWAA who cast ballots in the 2025 Hall of Fame election. Ballots from voters who opted to make them public will be published on Feb. 4. For more on voting eligibility, see our Voting FAQ.
Peter Abraham | Mark Faller | Santo Labombarda | Ray Ratto |
Satoshi Akimura | Mark Feinsand | Frank Labombarda | Christian Red |
Laura Albanese | Howard Fendrich | Paul Ladewski | Joe Reedy |
Jim Alexander | Larry Fine | Larry Lage | Ben Reiter |
Edward Almada | Chad Finn | Marc Lancaster | Troy Renck |
John Altavilla | Mike Fitzpatrick | Scott Lauber | Patrick Reusse |
David Ammenheuser | Jeff Fletcher | David Laurila | Timothy Reynolds |
Dom Amore | Sean Forman | Keith Law | Dave Reynolds |
Anthony Andro | Tom Gage | Ryan Lawrence | Marla Ridenour |
Chris Assenheimer | Peter Gammons | Gil LeBreton | Anthony Rieber |
Michael Axisa | Steve Gardner | Sadiel Lebron | Phil Rogers |
Ben Badler | Joe Garza | Joe Lemire | Jesse Rogers |
Andrew Baggarly | Dan Gelston | David Lennon | Enrique Rojas |
Bill Ballou | Dennis Georgatos | Bruce Levine | Jorge Rojas |
Daniel Barbarisi | Rob Gillies | Ryan Lewis | John Romano |
David Barron | Toni Ginnetti | Brian Lewis | C. Trent Rosecrans |
Michael Bass | David Ginsburg | Joseph Liao | Ken Rosenthal |
Robert Baum | Kyle Glaser | Thom Loverro | Todd Rosiak |
Michael Bauman | Brian Golden | John Lowe | Roger Rubin |
Greg Beacham | Jimmy Golen | Mike Lupica | Adam Rubin |
Amalie Benjamin | Mark Gonzales | Rob Maaddi | Howie Rumberg |
Mike Berardino | Derrick Goold | Brian MacPherson | Jeff Sanders |
Rob Biertempfel | Cormac Gordon | Bill Madden | Bob Sansevere |
John Black | Kevin Gorman | John Maffei | Eno Sarris |
Jeff Blair | Rick Gosselin | Dennis Maffezzoli | Patrick Saunders |
Barry Bloom | Pat Graham | Jack Magruder | Travis J. Sawchik |
Ronald Blum | Evan Grant | Dennis Manoloff | Mark Saxon |
Hal Bodley | Pete Grathoff | Steven Marcus | Mark Schmetzer |
Scott Boeck | Will Graves | John Marshall | Peter Schmuck |
Erik Boland | Teddy Greenstein | Jason Mastrodonato | David Schoenfield |
Filip Bondy | Alan Greenwood | Warren Mayes | Henry Schulman |
Tim Booth | Vahe Gregorian | Sean McAdam | Octavio Sequera |
David Borges | Richard Griffin | Anthony McCarron | Sahadev Sharma |
Ron Borges | Nick Groke | Janie McCauley | Dan Shaughnessy |
Patrick Borzi | Chris Haft | Sean McClelland | John Shea |
Peter Botte | Paul Hagen | Chris McCosky | Don Shelton |
Dennis Brackin | John Harper | Hal McCoy | Susan Shemanske |
Rob Bradford | Mike Harrington | Joe McDonald | Joel Sherman |
Mark Bradley | Beth Harris | Dan McGrath | Bob Sherwin |
Zachary Braziller | Ian Harrison | Zack Meisel | John Shipley |
Matthew Breen | Tom Haudricourt | Bruce Miles | Michael Silverman |
Marcos Breton | David Haugh | Scott Miller | Steve Simmons |
Tim Britton | Dan Hayes | Randy Miller | Howard Sinker |
Larry Brooks | Marcus Hayes | Phil Miller | David Skretta |
Daniel Brown | Jim Henneman | Sam Miller | Susan Slusser |
David Brown | Lynn Henning | Larry Millson | Claire Smith |
Steve Buckley | Manolo Hernandez-Douen | Fred Mitchell | Christopher Smith |
Peter Caldera | Mark Herrmann | Kevin Modesti | Joe Smith |
Dave Campbell | Jon Heyman | Meghan Montemurro | Matt Snyder |
Nick Canepa | Brian Heyman | Patrick Mooney | Alex Speier |
John Canzano | John Hickey | Terence Moore | Clark Spencer |
Pat Caputo | Hirokazu Higuchi | Jorge Morejon | Jordan Sprechman |
Rene Cardenas | Steve Hirdt | Aurelio Moreno | Arnie Stapleton |
Marc Carig | Peter Hirdt | Jon Morosi | Jayson Stark |
Leon Carter | Thomas Hirdt | Rick Morrissey | Alex Stern |
Bill Center | Ken Hirdt | Maureen Mullen | Stefan Stevenson |
Ron Chimelis | Benjamin Hochman | Carrie Muskat | Carl Steward |
Joe Christensen | J.P. Hoornstra | Gene Myers | Joe Stiglich |
Jay Cohen | Alan Hoskins | Katsushi Nagao | Lawrence Stone |
Bob Cohn | Garry Howard | Marc Narducci | Gregory Strong |
Roberto Colon | Paul Hoynes | Lavelle Neal | Paul Sullivan |
Dan Connolly | Michael Hunt | Stephen Nesbitt | TR Sullivan |
Ron Cook | Bob Hunter | Paul Newberry | Tara Sullivan |
Kevin Cooney | Junko Ichimura | Ross Newhan | Gaku Tashiro |
JJ Cooper | Asuka Iimuna Brown | Mark Newman | Elliott Teaford |
Brian Costa | Mike Imrem | Robert Nightengale | Rick Telander |
Greg Cote | Jim Ingraham | Masayoshi Niwa | Chris Thorn |
Joe Cowley | David Jablonski | John Niyo | Tom Timmermann |
Jerry Crasnick | Jay Jaffe | Eric Nunez | John Tomase |
Glen Crevier | Bruce Jenkins | David O'Brien | Marc Topkin |
Jack Curry | Chad Jennings | Sheldon Ocker | Robert Tracy |
Guy Curtright | Joey Johnston | Jack O'Connell | Noah Trister |
Tim Dahlberg | Dick Kaegel | Ian O'Connor | Howard Ulman |
Dave Daniel | Christina Kahrl | Charles Odum | Mike Vaccaro |
Ken Davidoff | Tom Keegan | Hideki Okuda | Daryl Van Schouwen |
Art Davidson | Kirk Kenney | Drew Olson | Juan Vene |
Felix DeJesus | Tyler Kepner | Jesus Ortiz | Tom Verducci |
Chris DeLuca | Peter Kerasotis | Jorge Ortiz | Mike Waldner |
Tony DeMarco | Fred Kerber | Joseph Ostermeier | Charley Walters |
Steve Dilbeck | Blair Kerkhoff | Scott Ostler | Carroll Walton |
Ryan Divish | Kevin Kernan | Jill Painter | Bob Waterman |
Schuyler Dixon | Ann Killion | Robert Parent | Kirk Wessler |
Rustin Dodd | George King | Rob Parker | Mark Whicker |
Josh Dubow | Hideo Kizaki | Alex Pavlovic | Paul White |
Rich Dubroff | Bob Klapisch | John Perrotto | David Wilhelm |
Bob Duff | Chuck Klonke | Ed Petruska | George Willis |
Bob Dutton | Michael Knisley | Nick Pietruszkiewicz | Bernie Wilson |
Todd Dybas | Nobuyuki Kobayashi | Bill Plunkett | Jeff Wilson |
Chuck Dybdal | Keizo Konishi | Terry Pluto | Bill Windler |
Jorge Ebro | Steve Kornacki | George Pohly | Steven Wine |
Gordon Edes | Dejan Kovacevic | Steve Politi | Hank Winnicki |
Bob Elliott | Ron Kroichick | Steven Popper | Thomas Withers |
Chris Elsberry | Steve Kroner | Joe Posnanski | Gordon Wittenmyer |
Eduardo Encina | Roch Kubatko | Shaun Powell | Bob Wojnowski |
Mac Engel | Jeff Kuehn | Brendan Prunty | Akiko Yamawaki |
John Erardi | Robert Kuenster | Mike Puma | Masashi Yamazaki |
Jack Etkin | Tim Kurkjian | Mark Purdy | Mark Zuckerman |
Bill Evans | Howard Kussoy | Rob Rains | |
Ryan Fagan | John Labombarda | Luis Rangel |