2017 Hall of Fame ballots

Voters are not required to make their Hall of Fame ballots public, but this is an aggregation of BBWAA members who chose to share their ballots here. The full list of 442 voters is here.

Voters who want their ballots published on BBWAA.com should email here to do so.

Special thanks to Ryan Thibodaux for his help collecting these.

Election results

Peter AbrahamBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Dave AlbeeBagwell Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez
Jim AlexanderBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Eduardo B. AlmadaBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Smith Wagner
John AltavillaBagwell Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Dave AmmenheuserBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
Dom AmoreBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Mel AntonenBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Posada Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Kirby ArnoldBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Jaime AronBagwell Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Chris AssenheimerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines
Andrew BaggarlyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Raines Rodriguez
Chris BahrBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Bill BallouBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Ramirez
David BarronBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Peter BarzilaiBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Mike BassBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Michael BaumanBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Rodriguez Smith
Amalie BenjaminBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner Walker
Mike BerardinoBagwell Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Rob BiertempfelBagwell Hoffman Mussina Rodriguez Schilling Smith
John BlackBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Rodriguez Smith
Jeff BlairBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Posada Raines Ramirez
Barry M. BloomBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Posada Raines Rodriguez Smith
Earl BloomBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith Walker
Paul BodiGuerrero Hoffman Rodriguez
Hal BodleyBagwell Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Filip BondyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith
Tim BoothBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Scott BordowBagwell Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
David BorgesBonds Clemens Guerrero Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sosa
Don BostromBagwell Bonds Clemens Kent Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield Sosa
Peter BotteBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Kent Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Mark BradleyBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Marcos BretonBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Larry BrooksBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Walker
Garry BrownBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Ramirez Schilling
Ray BuckBagwell Clemens Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Steve BuckleyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Wagner
Don BurkeBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Wagner
Nick CafardoBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Pete CalderaBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Andrew CallBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Dave CampbellBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
John CanzanoBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Sheffield Smith
Jim CapleBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Pat CaputoBagwell Bonds Clemens Kent Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Murray Chass
Tom ChristensenBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Walker
Joe ChristensenBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Walker
Bob CohnBagwell Guerrero Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Smith
Lowell CohnBagwell Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Roberto ColonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sosa
Dan ConnollyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Kevin CooneyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Schilling Smith Wagner
Brian CostelloBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Sosa
Greg CoteBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield
Tim CowlishawBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Jerry CrasnickBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Jack CurryBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner Walker
Tom D'AngeloBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Timothy DahlbergBagwell Hoffman Mussina Raines
Dave DanielBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines
Paul DaughertyBagwell Raines Rodriguez Sheffield
Shi DavidiBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Ken DavidoffBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Art DavidsonBagwell Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Chris De LucaBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
John DelcosBagwell Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Smith
Tony DeMarcoGuerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling Smith Walker
Tom DienhartBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Steve DilbeckGuerrero Hoffman Raines
Mike DoddBagwell Hoffman Mussina Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Mike DowneyBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez
Paul DoyleBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Josh DubowBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sosa
Jay DunnBagwell Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Posada Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Varitek
Chuck DybdalBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez
Jorge EbroBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Posada Raines Rodriguez
Bob ElliottBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent McGriff Raines Rodriguez Walker
Chris ElsberryBagwell Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Smith
Ryan FaganBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Mark FallerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez
John FayBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Mark FeinsandBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero McGriff Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield
Martin FennellyBagwell Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Walker
Jeffrey FlanaganBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith
Jeff FletcherBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Carlos FriasBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sosa
Carter GaddisBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Smith
Peter GammonsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Jim GaugerBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Dan GelstonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Schilling
Steven GietschierBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Wagner
Rob GilliesGuerrero Walker
David GinsburgBagwell Bonds Clemens Ramirez Rodriguez
Jimmy GolenBagwell Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Pedro GomezHoffman McGriff Mussina Smith
Mark GonzalesBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Wagner
Derrick GooldBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Walker
Rick GosselinBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Patrick GrahamBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Evan GrantBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Walker
Dan GrazianoGuerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Posada Raines Wagner
Jay GreenbergBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling Smith
Alan GreenwoodBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Scot GregorBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines
Richard GriffinBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Walker
Karen GuregianBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Paul GutierrezGuerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Smith
Joe HaakensonBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Chris HaftBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith
Paul HaganBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Mark HaleBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
John HarperBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling Wagner
Mike HarringtonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Walker
Ian HarrisonBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Wagner Walker
Tom HaudricourtBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Jim HawkinsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Dan HayesBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Joe HendersonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Jim HennemanBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Wagner
Lynn HenningBagwell Bonds Clemens Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Steve HensonBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Mark HerrmannBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez
Bob HertzelBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith Walker
Bob HerzogBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Sosa
Jon HeymanBonds Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Posada Raines Rodriguez Smith
John HickeyBonds Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Hirokazu HiguchiBagwell Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines
Ed HiltBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Smith
Bob HohlerBagwell Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling
Joe HoppelBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Raines Schilling Smith
Jeff HorriganBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Alan HoskinsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Sosa
Garry HowardBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Mussina Raines Schilling Sheffield Smith
Paul HoynesBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling Smith Wagner
Gary HyvonenHoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Mike ImremBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Sosa
Jim IngrahamBagwell Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling
Jeff JacobsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling
Bruce JenkinsBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sosa
Joey JohnstonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield
Richard JusticeBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Marc KatzBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Rodriguez Sheffield Smith
Tim KawakamiBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Tom KeeganBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Peter KerasotisGuerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Raines Schilling Wakefield
Kevin KernanBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Ann KillionGuerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Smith
George A. King IIIBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield Sosa
Bob KlapischBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Michael KnisleyBagwell, Guerrero, Hoffman, Kent, Martinez, Rodriguez, Smith, Wagner
Danny KnoblerBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Dejan KovacevicBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines
Mark KreidlerGuerrero Hoffman Raines
Dave KriegerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Sheffield Wagner Walker
Ron KroichickBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Mussina
Roch KubatkoBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
Bob KuensterBagwell Guerrero Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Tim KurkjianBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Gabe LacquesBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Walker
Marc LancasterBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
David LariviereBagwell Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Smith
Bill LankhofBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Scott LauberBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Gil LeBretonBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Mike LefkowBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
David LennonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Joseph LiaoBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Bernie LincicomeBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Bill Livingston
Seth LivingstoneBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Thom LoverroBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Rodriguez Walker
Rob MaaddiBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Raines Sheffield Smith Sosa Wagner
Bill MaddenGuerrero Kent Martinez McGriff Schilling
Dennis MaffezzoliBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Jack MagruderBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sheffield Walker
Dennis ManoloffBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Steven MarcusGuerrero Hoffman
David MarilBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Art MartoneBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Walker
Tony MassarottiBonds Clemens Martinez Ramirez Rodriguez
Warren MayesBagwell Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Wagner
Sean McAdamBagwell Guerrero Martinez Schilling
Jack McCafferyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Anthony McCarronBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Janie McCauleyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Sean McClellandBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Joe McDonaldBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Dan McGrathBagwell Guerrero Mussina Raines Rodriguez Walker
Sam MellingerBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Adam MertzBagwell Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Bruce MilesBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
Phil MillerBagwell Bonds Clemens Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sosa Walker
Scott MillerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines
Randy MillerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Wagner
Jeff MillerBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Rodriguez
Larry MillsonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Walker
Fred MitchellBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Smith
Kevin ModestiBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Jim MolonyBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Ramirez Renteria Rodriguez Smith
Roger MooneyBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Terence MooreBagwell Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Smith
Aurelio MorenoBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sosa
Jon MorosiBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Rick MorrisseyHoffman Raines Schilling Walker
Carrie MuskatBagwell Bonds Clemens Raines Rodriguez
Gene MyersBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
John NadelBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
Mike NadelBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Mussina Raines Schilling
LaVelle E. Neal IIIBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield Smith
Mark NewmanBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Robert NightengaleBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Sosa
Eric NunezBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Ian O'ConnorBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Drew OlsonBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Jorge OrtizBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Rodriguez
Jose de Jesus OrtizBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Joe OstermeierBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Bob PadeckyBagwell Hoffman Raines
Doug PadillaBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Jay ParisBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling Smith Sosa
Rob ParkerBonds Clemens Hoffman Rodriguez Sheffield Smith Sosa
Jeff PassanBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Jeff PeekBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Dave PerkinsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Raines Rodriguez Walker
John PerrottoBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Mike PeticcaBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling Walker
Ed PetruskaBagwell, Hoffman, Martinez, Mussina, Raines, Ramirez, Schilling, Sheffield, Smith
Nick PietruszkiewiczBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Rick PlumleeBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Bill PlunkettBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Rodriguez Sheffield Walker
Terry PlutoBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez
Steve PolitiBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Martinez Mussina Posada Raines Rodriguez
Steve PopperBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Joe PosnanskiBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Tom PowersBagwell Guerrero
Scott PriestleBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Mike PumaBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Mark PurdyBagwell Guerrero Raines Smith
Rob RainsBagwell Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Smith
Ray RattoBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Walker
Jim ReevesBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez
Troy RenckBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Walker
Dave ReynoldsBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Tim ReynoldsBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith Walker
Anthony RieberBonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Mussina Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Tracy RingolsbyBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Brendan RobertsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Mussina Posada Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
Alan RobinsonBonds McGriff Raines Rodriguez
Phil RogersBagwell Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
John RomanoBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling
C. Trent RosecransBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Robert RosenBagwell Bonds Clemens Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez
Ken RosenthalBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner
Barry RoznerBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Roger RubinBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Rodriguez Schilling
Adam RubinBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith
Richard RupprechtBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Joe RutterBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez
Bob RyanBagwell Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Mark SaxonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Kent Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Dick ScanlonHoffman McGriff Raines Smith
Mark SchmetzerBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
Henry SchulmanBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Jeff SchultzBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling Smith Wagner
Glenn SchwarzGuerrero Hoffman Kent Mussina Raines
Charles ScogginsBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Mike ShalinBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Sosa Walker
Dan ShaughnessyGuerrero Raines
John SheaBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Joel ShermanBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Michael SilvermanBagwell Bonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Steve SimmonsBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Walker
Susan SlusserBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Claire SmithBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Schilling Smith Sosa
Willie SmithBonds Clemens Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Smith Wagner
Bob SmizikBagwell Bonds Clemens Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Clark SpencerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Walker
Lyle SpencerBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Barry StantonBagwell Hoffman Martinez Raines
Arnie StapletonBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Jayson StarkBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Carl StewardBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith
Joe StiglichBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Larry StoneBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Schilling
Jim StreetBagwell Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith
Paul SullivanGuerrero Hoffman Raines Smith
TR SullivanBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Jean-Jacques TaylorBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith
John TomaseBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Marc TopkinBagwell Bonds Clemens Hoffman McGriff Raines Rodriguez Sheffield Smith
Mike VaccaroBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Wagner
Juan VenéGuerrero McGriff Raines Rodriguez Smith
Tom VerducciBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Raines Schilling
Jeff VorvaBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Smith Walker
Mike WaldnerGuerrero Hoffman Kent Rodriguez Smith
Kirk WesslerBagwell Hoffman Guerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling Walker
Paul WhiteBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling Sheffield Wagner Walker
David WilhelmBagwell Guerrero Hoffman McGriff Mussina Raines Rodriguez Smith Wagner
George WillisBagwell Guerrero Kent Martinez McGriff Mussina Posada Raines Sheffield Smith
Bernie WilsonBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Smith Walker
Bill WindlerBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Mussina Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Schilling Sheffield
Steve WineBagwell Bonds Clemens Guerrero Raines Ramirez Rodriguez Sosa
Gordon WittenmyerGuerrero Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling
Gregg WongBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Ramirez Rodriguez
Tom YantzBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Mussina Raines Schilling
Mark ZuckermanBagwell Guerrero Hoffman Martinez Raines Rodriguez Schilling Wagner Walker